

Frequently Asked Questions

How much can I borrow?

Determining how much you can borrow depends on several factors such as your income, current financial situation, expenses, assets, debts, credit history, the size of the deposit and the type of loan. We’d encourage you to book a time with our experienced mortgage broker to provide you with an accurate answer and reliable response.

Will reducing debts improve my borrowing power?

YES, reducing bad debts will certainly improve your borrowing power. As you reduce bad debts, your monthly debt obligations decrease, allowing you to allocate more of your income towards new loan repayments. Gain a deeper understanding of good and bad debts by arranging a meeting with our mortgage broker, Veekin.

I’m self-employed / contractor and my paycheque is different every week, Can I still qualify for a loan?

YES, we have a proven track record of successfully assisting self-employed individuals and contractors in obtaining loans. We have lenders on our panel who understand the unique nature of self-employment and designed their loan products and criteria accordingly.

I have a low credit score; Do I qualify for a home loan?

YES, we understand that everyone's financial situation is unique, VIK FINANCE knows which lenders specialize in providing loan solutions to individuals with low credit scores. Contact Veekin on 0405 601 111 to guide you towards the right lender who can help you achieve your goal of obtaining a home loan.

What type of home loans are available?

There are various types of home loan products including fixed-rate loans, variable-rate loans, interest-only loans, principal and interest, basic loans, and fully featured package loans. To determine which loan will be best suited to you, we’d encourage you to reach out to a trusted mortgage broker in Melbourne (Veekin) to discuss your options.

Can I use gifted funds as a down payment for buying a house?

YES, Gifted funds from a family member or a close relative can be used as a deposit to purchase a property. However, it’s important to note that lenders typically have specific requirements and guidelines regarding the use of gifted funds. Consult with VIK FINANCE to understand the guidelines and documentation needed to utilize gifted funds effectively.

Is a deposit required when applying for a car loan?

NO. in many cases, if you can demonstrate the ability to afford the car loan repayments, you may be able to borrow 100% of the cost of the vehicle. Looking to buy a new family car or a new work car? contact us now on 0405 601 111 to discuss your options.

What service will I get from a mortgage broker at VIK FINANCE?

The simple answer, WE DO ALL THE WORK FOR YOU. We work closely with you to understand your specific financial goals and circumstances. Mortgage broker at VIK FINANCE provides you with personalized service, guidance, and a seamless experience from start to finish. We provide ongoing support and regular communication, keeping you informed about the progress of your loan application and addressing any concerns or queries you may have. We are here to support you throughout your mortgage journey. With VIK FINANCE, you can trust the process.

How do I get started with VIK FINANCE

You can reach out to us via phone, or email to schedule a consultation at a time convenient for you. During the initial consultation, we will discuss your financial goals, and current situation, and answer any questions you have about the mortgage process. Once we have a clear understanding of your needs, we will begin researching and present you with a range of suitable loan options. We will guide you through the application process, assisting with loan documents and submit the loan to the lenders on your behalf. We will keep you informed throughout the process and provide ongoing support until your loan is secured. Contact us today to take the first step towards achieving your homeownership and financial goals with Vik Finance.
